Start: 08-05-2022  End: 14-05-2022

It was a longtime wish to operate from Liechtenstein. Years back I got already information about rental houses that were used by radio amateurs before and where the tenant had no issues with antennas. In March I started to make the trip concrete and tried to book one of the houses. That initially was a big disappointment. None of them were available, although on the web site you could book them in April/May. One was even unavailable the whole year.

From the communication with one of the tenants I learned that the availability was related to the weather. If there was snow in that area, you cannot even reach the house. I was able to make a deal that by the end of April they most likely could know from the weather forecast and local situation, if my trip in the second week of May was possible.

Fortunately I got an OK and could start packing. I used the same setup as I had as 5T1GM (Arguin Island), which includes:

  • Radio: SunSDR2 Pro and SunSDR2 DX
  • Amplifier: Expert 1.3K-FA
  • Antenna: Home build DX Commander (10-40m) and Hexbeam (10-20m).

After arrival at the holiday house in Triesenberg, the owner told me what area belongs to their house and asked me not to place antenna’s outside their lot. That was a bit of a disappointment as there was not really that much space. I first placed the DX Commander in front of the house but after inspecting the area, I concluded that it was better to place the DX Commander on a slope behind the house. From that position it was just above the roof of the house.

The initial idea was to also install the Hexbeam but once I operated on the vertical, and getting signals from EU, JA, VK/ZL, K/VE at the same time, I thought to stick with the omni directional antenna.

I had to deal with very weak and very strong signals at the same time and also got reports that showed that my signal was also very weak on their side. Besides that I was surprised to get very loud signals from VK/ZL and sometimes K/VE. Very often there was very fast QSB and when responding to a call I could in some cases not even hear them anymore.

Overall I had to call for long CQ’s but fortunately that also resulted in nice DX stations in the log.

I like to thank all of you for your QSO’s and patience.